====== PhD awarded to Raphael Dias da Silva ====== Congratulations to Raphael Dias da Silva, who has just passed with flying colours his PhD thesis examination on 2nd September, 2013. He was supervised by Ernesto Galvão, with a period of experience abroad under supervision of Elham Kashefi, at the School of Informatics of the University of Edinburgh. Best luck to Raphael, who's heading for a postdoc at CBPF but who will surely keep visiting and collaborating with our group at IF-UFF. {{ defesa_raphael.jpg?500 }} [Dr. Raphael and thesis examination board. Left to right: Roberto Imbuzeiro, Daniel Jonathan, Antonio Zelaquett Khoury, Raphael Dias da Silva, Marcelo Sarandy, Ernesto Galvão, Marcelo Terra Cunha and Fernando Melo] ~~LINKBACK~~ ~~DISCUSSION~~