====== Quantum Optics for Quantum Information ====== This research is led by Profs. [[people:zelaquett|Antonio Zelaquett Khoury]], [[people:kaled|Kaled Dechoum]], [[http://www.if.uff.br/en/contact/faculty/48-professores-do-departamento/185-carlos-eduardo-rodrigues-de-souza|Carlos Eduardo Rodrigues de Souza]] and [[people:tasca|Daniel Schneider Tasca]]. ===== Quantum and classical correlations in optical parametric amplifiers (OPO's) ===== {{ opo.png?200}} * Study of bipartite, tripartite and multimode correlations among transverse modes. \\ Recent papers:\\ \\ Semiclassical Wigner distribution for a two-mode entangled state generated by an OPO. Dechoum, Hahn, Vallejos, Khoury; //Phys. Rev. A// **81**, 043834 (2010) \\ Entanglement criteria and classical correlations in parametric amplifiers. da Silva, Khoury, Dechoum; //Phys. Rev. A// **78**, 025803 (2008). ===== Manipulating different degrees of freedom for quantum information ===== {{ transverse.png?170}} * Entanglement between polarization and orbital angular momentum * Hyperentanglement between these degrees of freedom in the OPO Recent papers:\\ A Michelson controlled-not gate with a single-lens astigmatic mode converter. Souza, Khoury, //Optics Express// **18**, 9207 (2010). \\ Continuous-Variable Hyperentanglement in a Parametric Oscillator with Orbital Angular Momentum. dos Santos, Dechoum, Khoury; //Phys. Rev. Lett.// **103**, 230503 (2009).    ===== Geometrical phases in quantum systems ===== * Dynamics of OPO spatial modes with injection of angular momentum. * Topological phases. Recent papers:\\ \\ Phase conjugation and adiabatic mode conversion in a driven OPO with orbital angular momentum. Coutinho dos Santos, Souza, Dechoum, Khoury; //Phys. Rev. A// **76**, 053821 (2007). \\ Fractional topological phase for entangled qudits. Oxman, Khoury, preprint [[http://arxiv.org/abs/1010.2094|arxiv:1010.2094]], Phys. Rev. Lett. **106**, 240503 (2011).