===== Seminars 2007 ===== **30/11/2007**, 11am, room A5-01.\\ Speaker: Alexia Auffeves (CNRS-Institut Neel - Grenoble)\\ Title: Cavity quantum electrodynamics in solid state devices: theoretical dreams and ongoing experiments\\ [[:seminars:alexia112007|Abstract]]. **23/11/2007**, 11am, room A5-01.\\ Speaker: George Svetlichny (PUC-Rio)\\ Title: A integral de Feynman e as Bases Mutualmente Conjugadas\\ [[:seminars:svetlichny112007|Abstract]]. **26/10/2007**, 11am, room A5-01.\\ Journal Club meeting. Speaker: Igor Diniz\\ [[:seminars:igor102007|Abstract]]. **5/10/2007**, 11am, room A5-01.\\ Speaker: Paulo H S Ribeiro (IF-UFRJ)\\ Title: Experiments with Entangled Photons\\ [[:seminars:paulao102007|Abstract]]. **28/9/2007** - Journal club, room A5-01, 11h.\\ Daniel Jonathan on decompositions of two-qubit unitaries. References:\\ refs Y. Makhlin, Nonlocal Properties of Two-Qubit Gates and Mixed States and Optimization of Quantum Computations Quant. Inf. Proc. 1, 243 (2002), quant-ph/0002045\\ J. Zhang et al., A geometric theory of non-local two qubit operations PRA 67, 042313, 2003.\\ Optimal quantum circuit synthesis from controlled-unitary gates Phys. Rev. A 69, 042309 (2004).\\ Minimum Construction of Two-Qubit Quantum Operations PRL. 93, 020502 (2004). **21/9/2007** - Journal club, room A5-01, 11h.\\ Marcelo Hahn on Wigner function for the parametric optical oscilator (OPO). References:\\ "Exact quantum distributions for parametric oscillators",PRL Volume 74 numero 12, March 1995, Reeta Vyas and Surendra Singh.\\ "Exact steady-state Wigner function for a nondegenerate parmetric oscillator", PRA volume 62, 015801, K. V. Kheruntsyan and K. G. Petrosyan.\\ **14/9/2007** - Journal Club, room A5-01, 11h.\\ Carolina Vannier on:\\ 1- ALMEIDA, M. P. ; de MELO, F. ; HOR-MEYLL, M. ; SALLES, A. ; WALBORN, S. P. ; RIBEIRO, P. H. S. ; L. Davidovich . Environment-induced sudden death of entanglement. Science, v. 316, p. 579-582, 2007.\\ Available as:\\ http://arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/0701184\\ 2- Fernando da Rocha Vaz Bandeira de Melo. Emaranhamento, complementaridade e descoerência. (Tese de doutorado - UFRJ - 2006).\\ 29/06/2007, 11 am, room A5-01\\ Romulo F. Abreu - CBPF\\ Title: Geração de Emaranhamento por Mapas Quânticos\\ [[:seminars:abstracts:romulo2007_6|Abstract]]\\ 22/06/2007, 11 am, room A5-01\\ Journal Club. José Augusto Huguenin on\\ "Experimental entanglement quantification and verification via uncertainty relations", Z.W. Wang et al, EPL 78, 40002 (2007), available as http://arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/0611196\\ 15/06/2007, 11 am, room A5-01\\ Journal Club. Daniel Jonathan on\\ "The foundations of statistical mechanics from entanglement: Individual states vs. averages", Popescu, Short, Winter, available as http://arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/0511225\\ 1/06/2007, 11 am, room A5-01\\ Pérola Milman - CNRS, Université Denis Diderot (França)\\ Title: Proteção topológica contra a descoerência\\ [[:seminars:abstracts:perola2007_6|Abstract]]\\ \\ 25/05/2007, 11 am, room A5-01\\ Paulo Américo Maia Neto - UFRJ\\ Title: O efeito Casimir e suas aplicações\\ [[:seminars:abstracts:pamn2007_5|Abstract]].\\ \\ 11/05/2007, 11 am, room A5-01\\ Journal Club meeting. Carlos Eduardo Rodrigues de Souza on\\ Aolita L. and Walborn S., "Quantum Communication without Alignment using Multiple-Qubit Single-Photon States", PRL (2007), available as http://arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/0703059 09/05/2007, 11 am, room A2-07.\\ Felipe Dimer de Oliveira - Univ. Auckland\\ Title: Modelo de Dicke -- Análise no espaço de fase e trajetórias quânticas\\ [[:seminars:abstracts:Dimer_2007_5|Abstract]]. 27/04/2007, 11 am, room A5-01.\\ Roberto Imbuzeiro de Oliveira - IMPA\\ Title: Universalidade no espectro de Hamiltonianos de spins em dimensão finita\\ [[:seminars:abstracts:Imbuzeiro_de_Oliveira_2007_4|Abstract]]. 20/04/2007, 11 am, room A5-01.\\ Journal Club meeting. Bernardo dos Santos on "Experimental Observation of Environment-induced Sudden Death of Entanglement", M. P. Almeida, F. de Melo, M. Hor-Meyll, A. Salles, S. P. Walborn, disponível on-line como: http://arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/0701184\\ 30/03/2007, 11 am, room A2-07.\\ Journal Club meeting. Marcelo Hahn on "Quantum jumps of lights recording the birth and death of a photon in a cavity", Gleyzes et al., Nature 446, p. 297 (15th March 2007).\\ 23/3/2007,11 am, room A5-01.\\ Ruynet Matos de Lima Filho - UFRJ\\ Title: Computação quântica com impurezas doadoras em cavidades de silício\\ [[:seminars:abstracts:matosfilho2007_3|Abstract]].