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PhD awarded to Raphael Dias da Silva

Congratulations to Raphael Dias da Silva, who has just passed with flying colours his PhD thesis examination on 2nd September, 2013. He was supervised by Ernesto Galvão, with a period of experience abroad under supervision of Elham Kashefi, at the School of Informatics of the University of Edinburgh. Best luck to Raphael, who's heading for a postdoc at CBPF but who will surely keep visiting and collaborating with our group at IF-UFF.


[Dr. Raphael and thesis examination board. Left to right: Roberto Imbuzeiro, Daniel Jonathan, Antonio Zelaquett Khoury, Raphael Dias da Silva, Marcelo Sarandy, Ernesto Galvão, Marcelo Terra Cunha and Fernando Melo] ~~LINKBACK~~ ~~DISCUSSION~~

news/phd_awarded_to_raphael_dias_da_silva.txt · Last modified: 2018/11/09 18:42 (external edit)